Girls Future Ready Foundation
Non-profit by Zofia Kierner, UC Berkeley Economics ‘24
Zofia Kierner is an economics student at UC Berkeley and an award-winning social activist who advocates for gender equality + women's access to education. She founded Girls Future Ready, a non-profit organization that supports young girls from Central Eastern Europe (13-24 years old) in developing key skills such as self-confidence, public speaking, entrepreneurship, English and international cooperation. The Foundation has been operating since 2017 and has some outstanding achievements to date:
6 Global programs executed to date
Girls Future Ready initiatives have impacted 80,000 lives
500 Volunteers globally
$25m Sum of value delivered by GFR initiatives
5000 Hours of English conversations with native speakers
320 Hours of HerStory and HerStory masterclass projects workshops
Zofia is on a mission to support young women's development and showcase their accomplishments globally.
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